Legal consulting
- Legal consulting contains spectrum of legal services which provide to organizations legal guidelines necessary for their improvement and perfecting businesses, all in accordance with the applicable legal norms. Main goal of legal consulting is reflected in aiding clients in understanding their legal rights and obligations, as well as providing expertized advices within wide specter of legal services.
- Services of legal consulting primarily focus on structuring the solutions and answers to all legal questions that companies encounter in their daily business. Legal services which are offered by legal consulting include:
- Review and examination of correctness for all existing legal documents and contracts;
- Assistance in creating new contracts and other necessary legal documents;
- Assuring that all business practices are provided timely and in accordance with the applicable policies and procedures;
- Aid to company leadership in implementing their visions, strategies and plans;
- Legal aid to clients in court or other legal circumstances like arbitration or mediation;
- Creating proposals for the initiation of enforcement proceedings;
- Correct, fair and positive judgement at all times and at client’s best interest;
- Providing other legal services in a high-quality and professional manner in accordance with the prevailing legal regulations.