- When there are important activities in Your organization in which You are not competent enough. In this case, it is advisable to engage a consulting service providers, especially when You take into account that the possible errors that can be made due to lack of expertise, can prove fatal in the later period;
- In cases where the owner is burdened by numerous activities and is unable to devote enough attention to each of them and perform them “on the run”;
- When You need to take one-off but very sensitive activities. In these cases, the activities carried out give their results in a very long time, so they are relatively cheap if taken by providers of consulting services. Then the previous remark is especially true in connection with any errors that may later prove to be fatal;
- For additional activities it is also desirable to use a consulting service, because you’ll be on the way to focus on core activities, which are, presumably, very professional. With that kind of combination You will get very well done project, which will fully perform the function for which it has been produced;